№1. in some schools there are strict rules about school uniform and sometimes you don’t know what to wear. unscramble the words below, write them in the answer sheet. for every line name the lesson you can wear the clothes you guess. 1. acikrsttu, hirstt, aeeknrss, aaedhprw 2. anopr, eoqtu, enov eimntt №2.there are a lot of proverbs about education in english. make the proverbs out of words. decide what proverb is extra. write why you think so. 1. and learning love love meet money of of rarely the the 2. a a dangerous is knowledge little thing 3. an artist but half knowledge makes practice without 4. a horse zeal is knowledge runaway without

ivanova7nastya1 ivanova7nastya1    1   02.10.2019 06:20    2

Kinder2571 Kinder2571  09.10.2020 11:09

1. tracksuit, thirst, sneakers, warhead

2. apron, toque, oven mitten

2 задание

1. The love of money and the love of learning rarely meet.  - extra

2. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

3. Knowledge without  practice makes half but an artist.

4. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

I think the first sentence is extra, because it doesn't contain specific things about knowledge that others do. For example: a little knowledge, lack of practice, and zeal.

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