1. In China people eat an even / odd number of dishes of food. 2. In China knives are good / bad luck.
3. In Spain people eat twelve grapes before / after the clock strikes midnight.
4. In Italy sugared almonds are given to / fora baby at weddings.
5. In the Middle Ages people came / didn't come to your house to stop bad
6. In Mexico children hit a paper animal with their eyes open/closed.
2.2 Match the words with their definitions.
A. the noise a clock makes to tell you what time it is
B. the most important woman at a wedding
C.12 o'clock at night
D. the most important man at a wedding
E. a plate of food which people share
F. green sea plant

1. In China people eat an even / odd number of dishes of food. 2. In China knives are good / bad luc

Animerica20045 Animerica20045    1   06.12.2020 18:04    20

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