1. in britain the three sources of law are: выберите один ответ: 1) common law and public law 2) international law, public law 3) common law, equity law and statute law 4) equity law and statute law 2. statute law includes both: выберите один ответ: 1) a system of preсedents 2) laws passed in parliament and acts of executive organs 3) laws passed in parliament 4) acts of executive organs 3. common law consists valid for subsequent similar cases. выберите один ответ: 1) laws passed in parliament and acts of executive organs 2) laws passed in parliament 3) a system of precedents 4) acts of executive organs 4. equity law is the system of law which is exercised by: выберите один ответ: 1) the prime minister and his cabinet 2) the queen 3) the prime minister 4) lord chancellor and his staff 5. the courts in great britain are divided into two large groups: выберите один ответ: 1) chancery division and family division 2) criminal division and civil division 3) the queen’s bench division 4) the crown court and the court of appeal 6. criminal courts are: выберите один ответ: 1) the crown court and the court of appeal 2) chancery division and family division 3) magistrates’ courts and crown courts 4) the queen’s bench division 7. the civil courts are : выберите один ответ: 1) chancery division and family division 2) the crown court and the court of appeal 3) county courts and high court 4) magistrates’ courts and crown courts 8. there are three divisions in the high court: выберите один ответ: 1) chancery division and family division 2) the crown court and the court of appeal 3) the queen’s bench division, chancery division and family division 4) county courts and high court 9. of about 80 high court judges who try civil cases and exercises supervision over lower courts. выберите один ответ: 1) the crown court 2) the court of appeal 3) magistrates’ court 4) the queen’s bench division 10. of about 20 high court judges who deal with only civil cases such as bankruptcy, trusts and taxes. выберите один ответ: 1) the court of appeal 2) the chancery division 3) magistrates’ court 4) the crown court

kotodrotin kotodrotin    1   25.03.2019 09:40    23

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