1 If you could be anywhere in the world right now, I think you'd choose to be in ? If you bought a new car today, I think you'd buy a
If you didn't study English, I think you'd like to study
If we had lunch together, I think we'd go to
If you could go to a concert tonight, I think you'd go and see
If you could go to an English-speaking country, I think you'd go to
If you could choose your ideal job, I think you'd like to be a / an
If you did a new sport / hobby, I think you'd like to
If you bought a new flat or house, I think you'd buy one in
If you got a new pet, I think you'd get a​

руслан746 руслан746    1   18.11.2020 10:19    29

lexiagahadi lexiagahadi  18.11.2020 10:20

я немогу понять патом тебе отправлю отвеи

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