1.If students ….. they fail at the exams.

A) go to the library

B) study hard

C) prepare for tests

D) work by fits and starts

E) work together

2.Choose the correct form of the modal verb. God … not be everywhere, therefore he created mothers.

A) may

B) might

C) must

D) could.

E) need
3. Tomorrow I shall go out of town with my friends; we … meet them at the railway station.

A) need

B) are to

C) ought

D) can

E) have to

4.What you at the weekend?

A) do / do

B) does / does

C) do/doing

D) does / do

E) do / does

5.“What she do?” “She is an interpreter.”

A) are

B) do

C) is

D) did

E) does

6.We move to London.

A) don’t

B) aren’t

C) isn’t

D) didn’t

E) did

7.He listening music.

A) likes / with

B) liked/on

C) likes / of

D) likes / to

E) like / to
8.Raquel and James have had a baby.

A) already

B) on

C) just

D) ever

E) yet

9.Has Nigel cooked dinner ?

A) always

B) yet

C) ever

D) just

E) already

10.Leading professors … seminars and classes

A) ptactice

B) read

C) communicate

D) train

E) conduct

11.Have you ever been ? Where did you go to?

A) abroad

B) journey

C) trip

D) travel

E) destinations

12.Complete the sentence using a word from the box.

Please make …………. as you’ve already read chapter two.

A) class

B) subject

C) timetable

D) notes

E) term

13.Isabel is a flight attendant. She passengers.

A) to serve

B) serves

C) served

D) serve

E) serving

14.Mark ___ into the army next year.

A) would go

B) will be go

C) will go

D) was going

E) goes
15.You can’t sing, ... ?

A) can’t you

B) can she

C) can you

D) may I

E) can

16.She learn to read until she was 86.

A) didn’t

B) isn’t

C) don’t

D) doesn’t

E) wasn’t

17. … you prepare breakfast for me ? I am hurry

A) should

B) shall

C) can

D) need

E) must

18.I have an …for working with people

A) efficient

B) occupation

C) decision

D) aptitude

E) skill

19.Max didn’t yesterday afternoon; he at home. A) B) C) D)

A) go out / stay

B) going out/staying

C) went out / stay

D) went out / stayed

E) go out / stayed

20.They did not have any meat. So they ... cook a soup.

A) can’t

B) can

C) will be able to

D) could not

E) be able to

fedivvasil19 fedivvasil19    2   03.05.2020 18:02    1

аоаооо аоаооо  14.10.2020 06:21

1. D

2. D

3. E

4. A

5. E

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. B

10.  E

11. A

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. C

16. A

17. C

18. D

19. E

20. D

nastyamaksimis nastyamaksimis  14.10.2020 06:21

1. D

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. E

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. A

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. C

16. A

17. C

18. E

19. E

20. D

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