1. if often at this time of the year. 1. rained 2. rain 3. rains 4. is rain 2. he much money in his job. 1. don’t earn 2. doesn’t earn 3. isn’t earn 4. doesn’t earns 3. look! that dog’s teeth so big! 1. are 2. is 3. do 4. has 4. – where’s jenny? – she to her mother in the phone. 1. talks 2. talking 3. is talk 4. is talking 5. i the doorbell and a woman opened the door. 1. ranged 2. ringed 3. ring 4. rang 6. people on the grass in the park when it suddenly to rain. 1. sat/started 2. were sitting 3. sitting/started 4. were sitting/was starting 7. in 1881 in spain. 1. is born 2. was born 3. has been born 4. born 8. my brother hates football. 1. playing 2.to playing 3.play 4. playing always 9. if the weather nice tomorrow, we to the coast. 1. will be/ will drive 2. will be/ are going to drive 3. is/ will drive 4. is/ will be drive 10. he said he find his money. 1. wasn’t 2.doesn’t 3.can’t 4.couldn’t 11. i’m sorry. i can’t come to the cinema with you because i to study. 1. must 2. have 3. has 4. should 12. jenny people. 1. any 2. a lot of 3. much 4. a little 13. seats are at the front of the theatre. 1. most expensive 2.expensiver 3. much expensive 4.the most expensive 14. i’m sorry. i’m not interested seeing that film. 1. in 2. on 3. at 4.for 15. the housework in your house? 1. makes 2. does 3. has 4. gets

разетка1234 разетка1234    1   10.09.2019 10:20    2

katyaydalova15 katyaydalova15  07.10.2020 05:06
1 - 3

2 - 1

3 - 1

4 - 4

5 - 4

6 - 1

7 - 2

8 - 3

9 - 1

10 - 4

11 - 2

12 - 2

13 - 4

14 - 1

15 - 1

Ах да, первые цифры - номер задания, вторые цифры - номер ответа (вдруг не поняли). Надеюсь, все верно))
olyacolesnik20 olyacolesnik20  07.10.2020 05:06
 1 -?
2 - 2
3 - 1
4 - 4
5 - 4
6 - 1
7 - 2
8 - 1
9 - 4
10 - 4
11 - 2
12 - 2
13 - 4
14 - 1
15 - 1
P.S. наверное в первом опечатка  It often rains at this time of the year.
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