1) I so much money with me,because the tickets were cheaper thanI expected. * •didn't need to brought
•needn’t have brought
•needn’t have bring
•didn't need to bring

2. We were afraid the house was on fire. Butwhen we got home everything was okay. We . *

•needn’t have worried
•didn't need to worried
•needn’t have worry
•didn't need to worry

3. I my homework last nightbecause the teacher is ill today *

•needn’t have finish
•didn't need to finished
•needn’t have finished
•didn't need to finish

4. I knew we had enough food to last the weekend,so I shopping. *

•needn’t have go
•didn't need to go
•needn’t have went
•didn't need to went


lehareva lehareva    3   17.05.2021 10:38    1

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