1. i’ll go to the theatre with pleasure if (меня пригласят). 2. (если пойдет дождь), well stay at home. 3. there are ( мало) sunny days in december. 4. i know мало) about the history of new zealand. 5. he doesn't like (ни сладости, ни мороженое). 6. кейт, ни энн) came to. school yesterday. they were ill. 7. reading classical novels is такое интересное, как) reading historical or adventure stories. 8. paul is же разговорчивый, как и) jane.

baandas baandas    2   26.09.2019 04:15    1

progames2002 progames2002  08.10.2020 19:56
1 - am invited
2 - If it`s raining
3 - very few
4 - very little
5 - either sweetie or ice-cream
6 - Niether Kate nor Ann
7 - not interesting as
8 - as chatty as
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