1. Grammar. Future Simple
Choose the right variant:
1. I am bored. I think I will swim/will play a computer game.
2. Don’t worry! I will speak/I will help you.
3. I will watch/will write a note in 2 seconds

2. Grammar. Expressing future.
Define the correct variant of future expression. Write the correct tense.
(Future simple, present simple, present continuous)
1. I think Sam will swim in the river.
2. The next bus arrives at 5:30.
3. The plane lands at 2:34.

3. Grammar. General questions in future.
Write general questions for predictions about the future. Use question marks:
1. People will take holidays in outer space.

2. Scientists will discover life on other planets.

3. Children will eat only sweets.

4. Grammar. Future Simple. Word order.
Put the words into the correct order. You will have different types of sentences. Use punctuation marks (full stops) at the end of the sentences.

1. you /work / will / in / London?

2. will / Sally / play / in the garden.

3. plant / new trees / in the/ garden/ will / she.

5. Grammar. How to express future?
Choose the right variant.

1. I am very tired. I sleep.
a) going b) go to c) will go to
2. Is he going to travel to Spain? Yes, .
a) he is going b) he isn’t c) he is
3. Will you go to the bank? No, .
a) I won’t b) I will c) I willnot

6. Grammar. Negative sentences in future.
Write negative sentences using short negative verb forms:

Sally will be rich soon

He will have a big family

Jack will drive a sports car

7. Переведите предложения, используя будущее время глаголов.
1. Я поеду домой в начале декабря.

2. Вечером мой брат напишет письмо своему другу в Америке.

3. В пятницу наш офис будет закрыт.

4. Мы будем сдавать экзамен по истории на следующей неделе.

5. Ты найдешь свой подарок под новогодней елкой.

6. Песни твоей сестры будут очень популярными.

7. Я уверен, что Ник скоро передумает.

8. Мы не останемся в этом дешевом отеле.

9. Мэри никогда не забудет свою первую любовь.

10. Завтра не будет облачно. Мы не будем брать зонт.

bhsdvsbvgvfsbvefe bhsdvsbvgvfsbvefe    1   14.02.2020 13:35    108

юра419 юра419  12.01.2024 07:54
1. I am bored. I think I will swim/will play a computer game.
- The correct variant is "I am bored. I think I will play a computer game." The future simple tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future. In this case, the speaker is expressing their intention or plan to play a computer game in the future.

2. Don’t worry! I will speak/I will help you.
- The correct variant is "Don't worry! I will help you." The future simple tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future. In this case, the speaker is assuring the listener that they will help them in the future.

3. I will watch/will write a note in 2 seconds.
- The correct variant is "I will write a note in 2 seconds." The future simple tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future. In this case, the speaker is stating their intention or plan to write a note in 2 seconds.

2. Grammar. Expressing future.
1. I think Sam will swim in the river.
- The correct tense is "will swim." The future simple tense is used to express actions or events that will happen in the future. In this case, the speaker is expressing their prediction or belief that Sam will swim in the river in the future.

2. The next bus arrives at 5:30.
- The correct tense is "arrives." The present simple tense is used to express scheduled or timetabled events in the future. In this case, the speaker is stating the time at which the next bus will arrive.

3. The plane lands at 2:34.
- The correct tense is "lands." The present simple tense is used to express scheduled or timetabled events in the future. In this case, the speaker is stating the time at which the plane will land.

3. Grammar. General questions in future.
1. Will people take holidays in outer space?
2. Will scientists discover life on other planets?
3. Will children eat only sweets?

4. Grammar. Future Simple. Word order.
1. Will you work in London?
2. Sally will play in the garden.
3. Will she plant new trees in the garden?

5. Grammar. How to express future?
1. I am very tired. I will go to sleep.
2. Is he going to travel to Spain? Yes, he is.
3. Will you go to the bank? No, I won't.

6. Grammar. Negative sentences in future.
Sally won't be rich soon.
He won't have a big family.
Jack won't drive a sports car.

7. Переведите предложения, используя будущее время глаголов.
1. Я поеду домой в начале декабря. - I will go home at the beginning of December.
2. Вечером мой брат напишет письмо своему другу в Америке. - My brother will write a letter to his friend in America in the evening.
3. В пятницу наш офис будет закрыт. - Our office will be closed on Friday.
4. Мы будем сдавать экзамен по истории на следующей неделе. - We will take a history exam next week.
5. Ты найдешь свой подарок под новогодней елкой. - You will find your present under the Christmas tree.
6. Песни твоей сестры будут очень популярными. - Your sister's songs will be very popular.
7. Я уверен, что Ник скоро передумает. - I am sure that Nick will change his mind soon.
8. Мы не останемся в этом дешевом отеле. - We will not stay in this cheap hotel.
9. Мэри никогда не забудет свою первую любовь. - Mary will never forget her first love.
10. Завтра не будет облачно. Мы не будем брать зонт. - It will not be cloudy tomorrow. We will not take an umbrella.
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