1 GRAMMAR articles: a /an, the, no article
a Circle the correct answers.
1 I think girls the girls are better at learning languages the languages than boys, the boys.
2 Did you lock door the door when you left house the house this morning?
3 My sister is married to German a German. He's engineer an engineer.
+ I don't usually like fish the fish, but salmon the salmon we had lat night was delicious.
5 We go to cinema / the cinema once a week the week.
6 Don't worry! It's not the end end of the world world.
7 Do you think women the women are more sensitive than men the men?
8 What beautiful a beautiful day! Let's have lunch a lunch in the garden.
b Are the highlighted phrases right for wrong (Y2 Com

flamerplay123 flamerplay123    2   12.05.2020 07:25    145

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