1.fill in the gaps using the words below: traffic jams, network of roads, well-maintained, roadway, potholes, road-builders, route, maintain, lack, turnpikes we take for granted that all roads must be have quite opposite situation.​

013Angelina139 013Angelina139    1   05.11.2019 14:42    122

valoparina valoparina  11.01.2024 11:43
Fill in the gaps using the words below: traffic jams, network of roads, well-maintained, roadway, potholes, road-builders, route, maintain, lack, turnpikes we take for granted that all roads must be have quite opposite situation.

We often take for granted that all roads must be well-maintained and free from potholes, but in reality, this is not always the case. The condition of a roadway depends on various factors such as the network of roads in the area, the efforts made by road-builders to maintain them, and the availability of funds for regular upkeep.

One of the primary problems that arise due to the lack of maintenance is traffic jams. When roads are not properly maintained, potholes and other forms of damage can appear. These issues can cause vehicles to slow down or even come to a complete stop, leading to congestion and delays for other drivers. Thus, the need for regular maintenance is crucial to prevent these traffic jams.

In order to ensure smooth flow of traffic, a well-maintained roadway should be supported by a solid network of roads. A network of roads refers to a connected system of streets and highways that allow people to travel from one place to another efficiently. Without a well-connected network, drivers would have to take longer routes, resulting in more traffic congestion and wasted time.

Road-builders play a crucial role in constructing and maintaining roads. They need to carefully plan and develop the routes based on the traffic flow, population density, and other factors. Additionally, road-builders must use quality materials and effective construction techniques to ensure longevity and durability of the roads. Proper maintenance, such as repairing potholes and cracks, should also be carried out regularly to prevent further deterioration.

To maintain roads, local authorities and government organizations allocate budgets for road maintenance and repairs. However, limited funds may lead to a lack of proper maintenance in some areas. This can result in deteriorating road conditions, which further contribute to traffic jams and inconvenience for commuters.

In some cases, toll roads or turnpikes are built as a means to generate funds for road maintenance. Motorists are required to pay a fee to use these roads, which helps ensure that they are well-maintained. This revenue is then used for regular repairs, improvement projects, and overall upkeep of the roads.

In conclusion, the condition of roads is not something that can be taken for granted. The presence of traffic jams, potholes, and other issues are a result of various factors such as the network of roads, the efforts of road-builders, the availability of funds for maintenance, and the overall awareness of the importance of well-maintained roads. It is essential for local authorities, government organizations, and individuals to recognize the significance of regular maintenance and proper funding to ensure safe and efficient transportation for everyone.
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