1.Complete the sentences with the right modal MUST – MUSTN’T – HAVE TO – DON’T HAVE TO 1. You talk with your classmates during the test.

2. It isn’t raining so I take the umbrella.

3. I eat more vegetables.

4. You listen to your teacher. You cross the road when the red light is showing.

5. I wear glasses because I can’t see very well.

6. People eat to live.

7. You wake up early on the summer holidays.

2. Complete the sentences and use the comparative or superlative form (сравнительная степень прилагательных)

1. Stella is than Monica. (SHORT)

2. Comics are than newspapers. (FUNNY)

3. Which is day of the year for you? (HAPPY)

4. Math is than Music. (DIFFICULT)

5. Stella is girl in our class. (SERIOUS)

6. September is month in the year for me. (BAD)

7. Summer days are than the winter days. (WARM)


Kulichok14 Kulichok14    3   27.04.2021 13:42    2

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