1 Complete the sentences with some of the words. burglary • burgle • mug • mugger • piracy •pirate • steal •theft •thief • vandal

1 When you ___ someone, you attack them for money.
2 When you ___ from a person or a place, you take money or objects illegally.
3. is a general word for somebody who takes other people's things or money.
4 ___ is entering a house to take things.
5 A ___ is someone who damages and destroys things for no reason.
6 Making illegal copies of DVDs is ___ and it's a crime.

05DKuzmin 05DKuzmin    2   08.10.2021 13:54    562

A1my A1my  27.12.2023 22:39
1. When you __mug__ someone, you attack them for money.
Explanation: To mug someone means to attack them in order to steal their money or belongings. It involves using force or threats.

2. When you __steal__ from a person or a place, you take money or objects illegally.
Explanation: Stealing refers to the act of taking someone else's money or belongings without their permission or in a dishonest way. It is considered a crime.

3. __Thief__ is a general word for somebody who takes other people's things or money.
Explanation: A thief is a person who steals or takes things that do not belong to them without permission. They can steal different types of items, such as money, jewelry, or electronics.

4. __Burglary__ is entering a house to take things.
Explanation: Burglary is the act of illegally entering a building, often a house, with the intention of committing theft or other crimes. It involves unauthorized entry and the intention to take things.

5. A __vandal__ is someone who damages and destroys things for no reason.
Explanation: A vandal is a person who intentionally damages or destroys property without any valid reason. Vandalism involves acts of causing destruction, defacing, or spoiling someone else's property.

6. Making illegal copies of DVDs is __piracy__ and it's a crime.
Explanation: Piracy refers to the unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of copyrighted material, such as movies, music, or software. It is considered a crime as it undermines the rights and profits of the creators or copyright holders.
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