1. Complete the sentence: "It takes longer for Venus to... in a full circle than it takes to ... around the Sun." A. twist, orbit
B. rotate, revolve
C. reflect, revolve
D. rotate, orbit
E. revolve, orbit
2. Choose the correct answer: "This time tomorrow, we... our English exams."
A. take
B. will take
C. will be taking
D. will have taken
E. will have been taking
3. Choose the odd phrase: "Learning to or... will be absolutely risk-free.
A. shop online
B. drive a car
C. fly a plane
D. perform brain surgery
4. Complete the sentence: "The distance that light can travel in one year is a"
A. kilometer
B. gravity
C. light year D. wave
E. mile
5. True or False: "The next step in VR development will be that users get a complete interactive experience and will be able to see, touch and taste everything in their VR environment."