1.Choose the right opposite word: “old” a)new
b) fine
c) well
e) nice
2.Modal Verbs
Anna read very fast.
 3.Modal Verbs
You  wear a suit to the interview.
a) should
b) can
c) must
d) will
e) have
4.Modal Verbs
  I buy a grammar book?
a)  Must
b) Need
c) Can
d) May
e) Am
5.Modal Verbs
 I use your pencil?
a)  May
b) Can
c) Must
d) Had to
e) Have
 6.Modal Verbs
They change their tickets.
a) should
b) may
c) must
d) have
e) will
7.Find the tense: Things that are happening now or in the near future
a) Present Continuous
b) Present Simple
c) Past Simple
d) Present Perfect
e) Past Continuous
8.Find correct form: Jill is taller than Victoria.
a) Victoria isn’t as tall as Jill
b) Victoria is tall as Jill
c) Victoria isn’t as strong as Jill
d) Jill is as tall as Victoria
e) Jill isn’t as tall as Victoria
  9.Find correct form: He ___ my brother.
a) is
b) am
c) are
d) be
e) -
11. Find correct form: a lot of books in the library.
a) There are
b) There is
c) There isn’t
d) They are
e) Are
12.Find correct form:  milk do you drink?
a) How much
b) How
c) How many
d) Why
e) So
 13.Find correct form: Rugby ___ nice sport.
a) is
b) am
c) are
d) isnt
e) be
 14.Find correct form: Where ___ you usually have lunch?
a) do
b) does
c) is
d) are
e) have
15. Find correct negative form: My mother cooks breakfast every day.
a) My mother doesn’t cook breakfast every day
b)My mother doesn’t cooks breakfast every day
c)My mother don’t cook breakfast every day
d)My mother aren’t cook breakfast every day
e)My mother isn’t cooks breakfast every day
16.Find correct form: She ___ in a big house in the center of Berlin.
a) lives
b) swim
c) love
d) living
e) is living
17.Use an appropriate form of the verb.
Mike   magazines yesterday.
a) bought
b) reads
c) is reading
d) reader
e) will read
18.Find Present Perfect
a) I have opened the window.
b) I am from Canada.
c) They didn’t want to answer the question.
d) A lot of students go to college every day.
e) I don’t like to play football.
19.Choose correct form: My brother (to be) at home
a) is
b) am
c) will
d) do
e) are
 20. Find the correct verb: they come back last week?
a) Did
b) Do
c) Is
d) Does
e) Have
 21.Choose the question word: will you be here 5 or 10 minutes?
a) How long
b) When
c) Why
d) How often
e) What
22. Give the right translation: (Почему) are you late?
a) Why
b) Because
c) Who
d) What
e) When
23.Complete the sentence: Look the board.
a) at
b) from
c) in
d) on
e) off
24. Choose the right word “ in a house”
a) live
b) speak
c) fly
d) forget
e) get
25.Choose the right word “ a party”
a) have
b) goal
c) drink
d) play
e) read
26.Choose the right word “theatre tickets”
a) take             c) wear               e) go
b) make           d) feel
27.Choose the right word “ economics”
a) study           c) talk               e) work
b) speak           d) job
28.Choose the right word “ in an office”
a) work       c) live                    e) remember
b) swim      d) forget
29.Choose the right word “ Chinese”
a) speak          c)talk                    e)cook
b)work           d)live
 30.Complete the sentence: Murat’s Kazakh. He’s Kazakhstan.
a)from                 c)live                e)collect
b)come                  d)prefer

vjvxjbnkgsvjsvs vjvxjbnkgsvjsvs    1   04.02.2021 14:04    0

NCTzen184 NCTzen184  06.03.2021 14:10

1. new

2. can

3. must

5. must

6. may

7. present continuous

8. a

9. a

11. a

12. c

13. a

14. do

15. a

16. a

17. a

18. a

19. is

20. a

21. b

22. why

23. a

24. a

25. have

26. take

27. study

28. work

29. speak

30. a

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