1. Choose the correct answer: 1. 2. In any democratic society newspapers and magazines a) face different problems b) are in control of life of the society c) are local 3. Ukrainian newspapers are usually a) monthlies b) dailies c) dailies and weeklies 3. Editor-in-chief is a) a person who takes the pictures, prints them, searches for necessary pictures on the Internet b) a person who proofreads stories for spelling, grammar and punctuation and writes the headlines. c) a person who designs a layout of a newspaper and deciding what stories to run, where to place them, etc. 2. Odd one out 1. A) daily В) weekly С) specially D) monthly 2. A) a newspaper В) a publication С) a journal D) a magazine 3. A) provide В) event С) deliver D) publish 4. A) a reporter В) a heading С

innesa260778 innesa260778    3   16.04.2021 11:38    2

nusaba55 nusaba55  16.05.2021 11:39

1a 2b 3c 4a 5a 6d


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