1. Choose a project you would like to do. Read Learning to learn note No. Project
1 Helping hands
• Make a list of people who need your help.
Make a list of charity projects.
Think of activities you will do to help those in need.
• Make a poster to illustrate your project.
2 Charity fair
• Decide what charity organisation you would like to support.
• Collect information about this charity organisation.
. Think of interesting fundraising ideas (sweet and cakes sale,
talent show, etc.).
• Write an announcement about the charity fair.
• Decide what charity organisation you would like to
. Think of a name for your charity organisation.
• Plan charity activities you want your classmates to be involved in.
• Make a poster about your charity organisation.
Present your project and answer your classmates' questions to explain
ar ideas,
3. Discuss all the projects and decide which is the best.
Unit 3
Lesson 7
проект сделать