1. blue collar 2. true-blue 3. blue blood 4. bluestocking 5. to feel blue 6. green card 7. green light 8. green fingers (green thumb) 9. green-eyed monster 10. to look green around the gills 11. grey mat¬ter 12. grey area 13. white elephant 14. white flag 15. white collar 16. silver-tongued 17. silver screen 18. to see red 19. red alert 20. red carpet 21. red herring 22. pink collar 23. goldbrick 24. black-tie 25. blackmail 26. brown goods

A. completely loyal and faithful;
B. natural skill in making plants grow well;
C. able to give fine persuading speeches, eloquent;
D. a worker who does hard or dirty work with his hands;
E. to feel sad or depressed;
F. brain power, the power of thought;
G. jealousy;
H. parties and other social occasions at which people wear evening dress;
I. something that is big and valuable but useless or unwanted;
J. a document necessary in order to work legally in the US;
K. a person who works in offices or at professional jobs;
L. the film industry;
M. a situation of sudden great danger;
N. female office worker;
O. a worthless thing that appears to be valuable;
P. the quality of being a nobleman or noblewoman by birth;
Q. to look pale, sick;
R. a special ceremonial welcome to an important guest;
S. a sign that one accepts defeat;
T. electrical goods bought to provide entertainment, such as TVs, home computers etc.
U. a situation or subject that is difficult to deal with because it is not clear;
V. a woman who is thought to be too highly educated;
W. to be angry;
X. a fact or subject which is introduced to draw people's attention away from the main point;
Y. the practice of obtaining money by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person;
Z. permission to begin an action;

voldemarsoybzwx voldemarsoybzwx    2   05.05.2020 13:47    85

tankist09056 tankist09056  21.12.2023 12:28
1. blue collar - D. a worker who does hard or dirty work with his hands. This term refers to manual labor jobs that typically require physical work and do not require a higher level of education.
2. true-blue - A. completely loyal and faithful. This term describes someone who is loyal and faithful, often used to describe a person's character or personality traits.
3. blue blood - P. the quality of being a nobleman or noblewoman by birth. This term refers to individuals who come from a noble or aristocratic family lineage, usually associated with inherited wealth and high social status.
4. bluestocking - V. a woman who is thought to be too highly educated. This term historically referred to intellectual women, often used in a derogatory manner to describe women who were seen as overly educated or intellectual.
5. to feel blue - E. to feel sad or depressed. This phrase is used to describe feeling down or melancholic, often associated with feeling sad or depressed.
6. green card - J. a document necessary in order to work legally in the US. This term refers to a United States Permanent Resident Card, which grants a foreign national the right to live and work permanently in the United States.
7. green light - Z. permission to begin an action. This term refers to receiving approval or permission to proceed with a particular action or project.
8. green fingers (green thumb) - B. natural skill in making plants grow well. This term refers to having a natural talent or skill for gardening or growing plants successfully.
9. green-eyed monster - G. jealousy. This term refers to feelings of jealousy or envy towards someone else.
10. to look green around the gills - Q. to look pale, sick. This phrase describes someone who appears pale or sick, typically due to feeling unwell or experiencing nausea.
11. grey matter - F. brain power, the power of thought. This term refers to the intellect or mental capacity of a person, often used to describe someone's intelligence or intellectual abilities.
12. grey area - U. a situation or subject that is difficult to deal with because it is not clear. This term refers to a situation or topic that lacks clear guidelines or boundaries, making it challenging to make decisions or determine right from wrong.
13. white elephant - I. something that is big and valuable but useless or unwanted. This term refers to something that is expensive or valuable but is difficult to maintain or has little practical use, often becoming a burden.
14. white flag - S. a sign that one accepts defeat. This term represents surrender or admitting defeat, typically symbolized by raising a white flag.
15. white collar - K. a person who works in offices or at professional jobs. This term refers to individuals who work in professional or administrative roles, often involving desk-based or managerial work.
16. silver-tongued - C. able to give fine persuading speeches, eloquent. This term describes someone who has the ability to speak effectively and persuasively, often using skillful and articulate language.
17. silver screen - L. the film industry. This term refers to the movie industry, particularly associated with the era of black and white films.
18. to see red - W. to be anger. This phrase means to become extremely angry or enraged.
19. red alert - M. a situation of sudden great danger. This term is used to indicate a state of emergency or high-level threat, often associated with significant danger or urgency.
20. red carpet - R. a special ceremonial welcome to an important guest. This term refers to a VIP or exclusive treatment received by an important individual or celebrity, often involving a literal red carpet being laid out for them.
21. red herring - X. a fact or subject which is introduced to draw people's attention away from the main point. This term refers to a misleading or distracting piece of information or topic that diverts attention from the main issue or argument.
22. pink collar - N. female office worker. This term specifically refers to women working in clerical or administrative positions, often associated with traditional gender roles in the workplace.
23. goldbrick - A. someone who avoids work or shirks responsibilities. This term describes a person who intentionally avoids work or does the minimum amount possible to appear busy or productive.
24. black-tie - H. parties and other social occasions at which people wear evening dress. This term refers to formal events or occasions that require guests to wear formal attire, typically requiring a black-tie or evening gown.
25. blackmail - Y. the practice of obtaining money by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person. This term describes the act of extorting money or other concessions from someone by threatening to expose damaging or incriminating information.
26. brown goods - T. electrical goods bought to provide entertainment, such as TVs, home computers, etc. This term refers to electronic appliances or devices used for entertainment purposes, including TVs, computers, and audio equipment.
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