1. Are you living in Chelyabinsk now?
a) No, I am not. b) No, I do not.
2. Does your friend study in college?
a) Yes, he does. b) Yes, he is.
3. Where … you from?
a) Is b) are c) do
4. Tom has a ….
a) Bag b) passport c) Ericsson mobile phone
5. How many … are there on the table?
a) cans of cola b) cheese c) cup
6. … are flowers of life.
a) Childs b) Child c) Children
7. My brother … not a student.
a) are b) is c) am
8. My sister … shopping every day.
a) Is going b) go c) goes
9. My uncle … a new car yesterday.
a) Did buy b) bought c) buys
10. Do you live in Russia?
a) Yes, I live b) Yes, I do c) Yes, I am
11. Укажите лишнее слово в каждой строчке.
Economics, accountant, opera, statistics
Thriller, opera, ballet, tragedy
Son, daughter, cousin, car

12. Установите соответствие неправильных глаголов
a) Do b) Have c) Go d) Write e) Make
1) went 2) had 3) wrote 4) made 5) did

13. Назови одним словом.
1. дебет, кредит, финансы- a) animals
2. отец, мать, сын, дочь - b) furniture
3. лев, обезьяна, медведь, лиса - c) family
4. шкаф, диван, кресло, стол - d) economics

14. The times.
1) Its quarter to six. 3) It’s ten past four.
2) It’s twenty past eleven. 4) It’s twenty-five to seven
a) Its six thirty-five. b) It’s four ten. c) It’s eleven twenty d) It’s five fortyfive.

15. Vocabulary: describing people.
1) Bob always says please and thank you. a) Communicative
2) Alison always wears cool and fashionable clothes b) trendy
3) Samantha loves meeting new people. с) handsome
4) Eric is a really good- looking guy, isn’t he? d) polite

16. Расставьте числительные по возрастанию.
Fifteen, eleven, seventy, fifty, seventeen

17. Поставьте правильно предлоги в предложении.
1. Bill lives … a small flat in Cambridge -
a) On b) in c) at
2)… Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works in a hospital.
a) at b) on c) in
3. He helps to look … the children who are ill.
a) On b) after c) to
4. He goes to the hospital … bus.
a) to b) in c) by
5. On his free time he likes to listen … music.
a) by b) to c) i

18. Опишите свою комнату (5 предложений), используя выражения there
is/there are.

starushka94 starushka94    3   16.05.2020 09:54    94

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