1. Answer the following questions: 1. Where does Great Britain lie?
2. What parts do Great Britain and the United Kingdom include?
3. What goods are produced in the UK?
4. What are the differences in function between the British Go%
vernment and the Parliament?
5. What kind of political system has Great Britain?
6. What part does the Queen play in the Parliament?
7. Who can become the Prime Minister?
8. How can you explain the name «The Houses of Parliament»?
2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the phrases below:
% створювати закон;
% член парламенту;
% більшість;
% виборчий округ;
% суд;
% монархія;
% мати безпосередню владу;
% палата;
% законопроект;
% королевська санкція;
% управління судовою системою.
1. Determine parts of speech of the following words and translate them:
Law — lawful — unlawful — lawfulness — lawfully — lawless —
lawlessness — lawlessly — lawyer.
Govern — government — governmental.
Executive — execution — execute.
Legislative — legislation — legislate — legislatively — legislator
— legislature.
Constitution — constitute — constitutional — unconstitutional
— constitutionalism %constitutionally.
2. Translate into English:
монархія, законопроект, королівська санкція (згода), обрані
члени парламенту, судова система, загальні вибори, міністр
внутрішніх справ, формувати уряд, очолювати кабінет міні%
стрів, створювати закони, представляти виборчий округ, вико%
навча влада.
3. Complete the sentences:
1. The official name of Great Britain is …
2. Great Britain is …
3. Britain is an …
4. The UK produces …
5. England is …
6. The powers of the Queen are …
7. Parliament makes …
4. Fill in the blanks:
1. Although the Queen is the … of all branches of power, she has
little … power.
2. … has two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of
3. Members of the House of Commons are … by the voters of 659 …
4. They are known as … of Parliament.
5. The Prime Minister is also a member of the … .
6. The party with the … of seats in the House of … is called the … .
7. The two leading parties in Great Britain are the … Party and
the … Party.
5. Fill in the blanks:
mon…hy, q…n, c…ber, res…sible, gov….ent, par….ent, is..nd, I..land,
La..ur, con….atives, op…ition, br..ch, co..t, el.ct, p..er, con…tution,

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