- Английский язык
- 1. After the harshest winter
1. After the harshest winter in decades, the Balkans region in the southeast of Europe is now facing its hottest summer and the
worst across the area in nearly 40 years.
2. A landslide caused by rains in southern China left 21 people
missing today, adding to a growing death toll from China's worst
season in a decade.
3. The devastation caused by superstorm Sandy, particularly in
New York and New Jersey, is tragic, but the has at
least put climate change back on the map.
4. The US navy has been deployed to help avert a looming
environmental in the Gulf of Mexico.
5. This summer a dozen , which are more common
in the US, have hit Europe. The twister which swept through
Poland yesterday flattened more than 400 hectares of woodland in
the area.
6. Last night volcano Maui and the hot
poured downhill. Since there are two villages
located at the foot of the volcano, the local population was
7 A powerful off the coast of Indonesia sparked a
three-metre-high that killed at least 113 people.
Erupt – извергаться
Lava – лава
Evacuate – эвакуировать
Hurricane – ураган
Drought – засуха
Earthquake – землетрясение
Tsunami – цунами
Flood – наводнение
Tornado – торнадо
Disaster – катастрофа