1.A: … you a teacher? B: Yes, I … . 2.A: … your name Marcus? B: Yes, it … . 3.A: … your children here? B: No, they … . 4.A: … this your suitcase? B: No, it … . 5.A: Where … we? B: I think this … Oxford street. 6.A: … it Saturday today? B: No, It … Sunday. 7.A: … your friends from the UK? B: No, … from the US. 8.A: Hello, Maria. How … you? B: … fine, thanks. 9.A: How old … Peter? B: I think … 30 years old. 10.A: … David and Molly here? B: Yes, … next to the door.

Асем1211 Асем1211    1   25.08.2021 15:08    2

anasasiyakoval anasasiyakoval  24.09.2021 19:48

1. Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.

2. Is your name Marcus? Yes, it is

3. Are your children here? No, they aren't

4. Is this your suitcase? No, it isn't

5. Where are we? I think this is Oxford Street.

6. Is it Saturday today? No, It is Sunday.

7. Are your friends from UK? No they' are from the US.

8. How are you? I'm fine, thanks.

9. How old is Peter? I think he is 30 years old.

10. Are David and Molly here? Yes, they are next to the door

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