1. a journalist is interviewing a police officer. complete the interview with the
correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
q: how long (be) you a police officer?
a: i (be) a police officer for two years.
q: what type of training (have) you to become a police
a: i (start) out as a 911 dispatcher, answering emergency calls and
interacting with police officers on the job. my tenure in emergency dispatch (last)
about six years. before i (start) to work as a police
officer, i (receive) an associates degree in criminal justice
from johnson & wales university in rhode island.
q: what do you like best about your job?
a: i like the fact this it is something different every day.
q: what do you not like about your job?
a: i currently do not enjoy working the overnight hours, as i find i (get, not)
enough sleep. law enforcement is out on the streets 24/7.
q: describe your typical day on the job.
a: if there is not anything urgent going on, than i typically (do) patrols
of my areas at night. mainly, i (check) on various businesses – strip
malls, stores, gas stations – and make sure no one (break) into them
or causing any trouble. once the sun starts coming up, i (go) around
and double check my areas and make sure nothing (change) overnight.

arsenfedorko arsenfedorko    1   18.11.2019 13:56    10

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