1. a: it's hot in here.   в: i'm going to / i’ll open the window. a: do you want tea or coffee?   в: i'm going to / i'ii have coffee, please. a: what are you going to / will you do next weekend?   в: i don't know. 2. a: the phone's ringing. shall i answer it? в: it's going to / it'ii be janet for me. don't get up. 3. a: i'm going to / i 'ii see a film at two o'clock. в: i'm going to / i'ii come with you. 4. robots are going to / will do everything for us in the future. 5. a: i'm hungry, mum. b: the oven is hot now. dinner will be / is going to be ready in twenty minutes

2005kek 2005kek    3   06.10.2019 13:50    17

юра419 юра419  02.09.2020 19:15

1. I’ll open the window. I'II have coffee, please. What are you going to do next weekend?

2. It's going to be Janet for me.

3. A: I'm going to see a film at two o'clock. I'II come with you.

4. Robots will do everything for us in the future.

5. Dinner will be be ready in twenty minutes

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