1. a high-yield account pays more than a normal account *bonds *cash *interest *interesting 2. commercial banks to make a profit for their stockholders *designed *is designed *are designed *design 3. if your bank account goes into "overdraft", it means * your balance is positive * the bank owes you money * your balance is 0 * you owe the bank money 4. financial information distributed to stockholders, credits, customers, suppliers * include * including *includes * to include 5. what durung the process of accounting and bookkeeping? * are done *be done * is done * to be done 6. can you check that the figures have been entered correctly in the bank *accounting *accountant *account *accountancy 7. he is studying at university. *accounting * accountancy *account *accountant 8. the management of have not yet decided on their policies. * accounting *accountant *accountancy *account 9. a bookkeeper writes details of financial transactions in the * accounting *accountant *accountancy *account

Ника290305 Ника290305    3   19.09.2019 01:00    1

FileoFISH FileoFISH  08.10.2020 01:10
1. interest
2. are designed
3. you owe the bank money
4. includes
5. is done
6. account
7. accountancy
8. accounting
9. account
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