1 A Complete the questions with a question word or an auxiliary verb. 1 When does the film start? 2 often do you see your grandmother? 3 are my keys? I can't find them. you enjoy watching films? 5 you know Sabina? She's my best friend. do you usually go on holiday? 7 many hours do you work? time did you get here? I'm sorry I'm late. 4 6 8 = B Match answers a)-h) with questions 1-8 in Exercise 1A. a) About five minutes ago. Don't worry, it's no problem. b) No, I don't. Hi, Sabina. c) Once or twice a year. d) We usually go to Spain. My aunt has a house there. e) Here they are. They were on the television! f) Yes, I do. But I don't like horror films. g) Usually about thirty-five hours a week. h) In half an hour.

1 A Complete the questions with a question word or an auxiliary verb. 1 When does the film start? 2

strukserzh strukserzh    1   08.12.2021 18:00    248

ivan488 ivan488  21.12.2023 09:46
Хорошо, давайте пошагово разберем этот упражнение.

1 A Complete the questions with a question word or an auxiliary verb.
1 When does the film start?
2 How often do you see your grandmother?
3 Where are my keys? I can't find them.
4 Do you enjoy watching films?
5 Do you know Sabina? She's my best friend.
6 Where do you usually go on holiday?
7 How many hours do you work?
8 What time did you get here? I'm sorry I'm late.

При ответе на эти вопросы необходимо использовать вопросительное слово или вспомогательный глагол, чтобы сформулировать логически правильный вопрос.

2 B Match answers a)-h) with questions 1-8 in Exercise 1A.
a) About five minutes ago. Don't worry, it's no problem. (Ответ на вопрос 8)
b) No, I don't. Hi, Sabina. (Ответ на вопрос 5)
c) Once or twice a year. (Ответ на вопрос 2)
d) We usually go to Spain. My aunt has a house there. (Ответ на вопрос 6)
e) Here they are. They were on the television! (Ответ на вопрос 3)
f) Yes, I do. But I don't like horror films. (Ответ на вопрос 4)
g) Usually about thirty-five hours a week. (Ответ на вопрос 7)
h) In half an hour. (Ответ на вопрос 1)

Теперь, школьник может сравнить свои ответы с данными в задании B, чтобы проверить правильность выполнения задания и уточнить свои ошибки при необходимости.
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