1 109 Check the meaning of the words in blue. Choose the correct words. Then listen and check. A plastic problem People use a lot of plastic bags and they often 'throw away/ bury the bags afterwards. They don't oftenpollute / reuse or waste / recycle them. When we destroy / reuse plastic, we pollute the land or air . It isn't a good idea to Sburn/poison plastic because it poisons / saves the atmosphere. The alternative is to bury / pollute it, but some plastic doesn't decompose for over a thousand years.

darya4ern1 darya4ern1    1   17.09.2021 01:48    6

TEMA3232 TEMA3232  17.09.2021 01:50

A plastic problem.

People use a lot ofplastic bags and they often throw away bags afterwards. They don't often reuse or recycle them. When we destroy plastic, we pollute the land or air. It isn't a good idea to burn plastic because it poisons the atmosphere. The alternative is to bury it but some plastic doesn't decompose for over a thousand years.


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