0). WE WE WUPS 10 complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. Eg: 0-week: 00 - big picnie.
Jane and Mr Sam
Last week, Jane went for a drive with her parents. They put a big
picnic in the car. Dad drove and Jane listened to music on her CD
player. They got to the forest and they went for a long walk. Jane saw
a small pink house by a river,
"Whose house is tharrasked Jane. "I don't know," said Mum.
They stopped and ate their picnic. Then they sat under a tree and Jane
listened to Mum who told her a story
"There was a little girl called Jane who went for a walk in a forest and saw a nice bear called Mr Sam
Jane was very tired. She closed her eyes and slept. She started to dream
"Hello, Jane," said a nice big brown bear, my name is Mr Sam."
"I know," answered Jane. "My mum told me about you."
"Would you like to see my house" asked Mr Sam,
"Yes, please," said Jane
Mr Sam showed Jane his small pink house, which was next to a river
"What a great house!" said Jane
They went inside and had some coke and milk. Mr Sam gave Jane his
old scarf to wear because she was cold. It wils purple and white
"You can take my old scarf home, Jane" said Mr Som. "It's a present."
Thank you," said Jane. "I love it."
Then Jane woke up and said to her mother, "Where did Mr Sun yor"
"Mr Sam isn't here, June. He's only in a story"
Jane told her mum that she went to Mr Sari's small house in the forest
"It was a dream," said Mum. "Come on, let's go home."
June was sad because she liked Mr Sam. Then she saw the purple and
white scarf, which was found her neck. She looked at the foresti
and saw the nice big brown bear behind a free
"Goodbye, Mr Sam." Je said very quietly. Thank you again for the beautiful scarf."
Mr Sam smiled at her and waved goodbye
O Jane and her parents went for drive last week
00. They took a big picnic with them
There wa Next to a river in the forest
2. They can under a free and Mumfold Jane...
3. Jane slept and had
4. Jane talked to a bear who was called
5. Mr Sam took Jane to which was next to the river
6. Mi Sant's scarf was purple
7. Mi Sam told that he could take home
When Jane she ked for Mr Sam
Jane's mum cadut Mr Sam was only a bar
10 But Jane saw Mr Sam and said goodbye to him

0). WE WE WUPS 10 complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. Eg: 0-week: 0

trofimovigor07 trofimovigor07    3   11.11.2020 07:33    8

nika1299 nika1299  11.12.2020 07:39

1 pink house  00

2 a story 0

3 dream 0

4 Mr.Sam 00

5 his house  00

6 and white  00

7 scarf 0

8 woke up 00

9 from stroy / from dream 00

10 at the forest 00


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