Program n1; var a,b,c: integer; begin readln(a,b,c); if a>0 then write(a*a,' ') else write(a,' '); if b>0 then write(b*b,' ') else write(b,' '); if c>0 then write(c*c,' ') else write(c,' '); end.
Var f: text; s,d:string;i,n:integer;a:array of integer;BeginAssign(f,'c:\\q\t.txt');Reset(f);n:=3;setLength(a,n);While not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s);writeln(i:2,' ',s);end;Close(f);writeln;var arr := s.Split(';');for i:=0 to n-1 do begina[i] := strtoint(arr[i]);if a[i] > 0 then a[i]:= a[i] *a[i];end; for i:=0 to n-1 dod:= d + inttostr(a[i]) + ';'; assign (f,'c:\\q\out.txt');rewrite(f);write(f,d);Close(f);end.
var a,b,c: integer;
if a>0 then write(a*a,' ') else write(a,' ');
if b>0 then write(b*b,' ') else write(b,' ');
if c>0 then write(c*c,' ') else write(c,' ');
for i:=0 to n-1 dod:= d + inttostr(a[i]) + ';';
assign (f,'c:\\q\out.txt');rewrite(f);write(f,d);Close(f);end.