B niece 2 farzach question, choose the correct answer, A or B.
My brother has one daughter. She's my — 6 Bartek's __, his mums dad, has a lot of pets
A sister
B grandfather
his mother's grandfather, hasn't got hair. 7 Martha's _ her aunt's son, is in Year 5.
A great-grandfather
B nephew
A cousin
B great-grandfather
3 Do your great-grandfather and your _ have a
8 Her , her father's sister, lives in the country
lot of children?
A aunt
B niece
B great-grandmother 9 My is married to my Aunt Edna.
Esseister has got one son. He is Izzy's _.
A unde
B great-grandmother
A grandfather
B nephew
10 Have you got a-or a sister? Or are you an only
3 Do we spend a lot of time with your mother's
mom your
A grandmother B brother
A grandmother
B brother​

гарамьбм гарамьбм    3   08.09.2020 10:05    4

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