Школы катехизиса в дальнейшем трансформировались в кафедральные и епископальные школы. Одна из первых епископальных школ была

Alina2496 Alina2496    3   17.04.2019 06:50    3

aikosyatb aikosyatb  06.06.2020 12:42

In my oppinion, Murphy's Law is usually true - for example, if you are in a hurry, running to catch a departing bus, you'll almost allways drop something important, or stumble from scratch, or something like that. But, this law is for pessimists, becouse if you want to reach something, you can do it. In  situations like going out for a dinner with some handsome girl, you should take into account Murphy's Law and leave the house 10 minutes earlier - just to have time, if something on your way goes wrong - that's when it is useful. But sometimes it dosen't work - some people call it fortune, some people just dont think of it at all, 'cause "if everything is ok, why should i think about bad things, tha mya happen?". People only remember when something happen, and when everything is ok, no one minds such moments.

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