Напишите предложения в вопросительной и в отрицательной форме, переведите их на язык.
1. she usually takes the bus to university.
2. universities develop new methods of student’s training.
3. we are translating a scientific article now.
4. he went to south america for a year.
5. my friend will take part in a scientific conference.

mariee875maria mariee875maria    1   07.11.2019 19:15    1

КрутойМиха КрутойМиха  17.08.2020 12:19

1. (-) She usually does not take the bus to University.

(?) Does she usually take the bus to University?

Она обычно ездит в университете на автобусе.

2. (-) Universities do not develop new methods of student’s training.

(?) Do universities develop new methods of student’s training?

Университеты разрабатывают новые методы обучения студентов.

3. (-) We are not translating a scientific article now.

(?) Are we are translating a scientific article now?

Мы переводим научную статью сейчас.

4. (-) He did not go to South America for a year.

(?) Did he go to South America for a year?

Он отправился в Южную Африку на год.

5. (-) My friend won't take part in a scientific conference.

(?) Will my friend take part in a scientific conference?

Мой друг примет участие в научной конференции.


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