Завершите предложения, используя факты из текста. School System
There are … distinct levels of education in …
In …, children start school at the age of …
In …, compulsory schooling begins at the age of …
Children usually start school when they are … years old.
Children in … starts school at the age of …
School is compulsory for everybody between … and … years of age.
When children in … start school, they are usually … years old.
When the students leave school, they are usually … years old.
Schooling is compulsory until the age of …
Students are required to attend school until the age of …
Between the ages of … and …, one attends … school.
The first school that children in … attend is … school.
After … school they go to … school.
Students attend … school for … years.
Students remain at … school for … years.
After … school, students attend … school.
Then they start … school.
Aged …, they start … school.
Students in … have about … lessons per day / week…
study approximately … subjects…
have lessons from … to …
The following subjects / courses are …
Education at a … school …
Education at … schools … is free of charge.
is not free of charge.
The school year is divided into … terms.
The school year begins in … and finishes in …

tamaragladysheva tamaragladysheva    2   01.12.2020 16:19    1

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