Units 18-19 23. i (am going to/am going/going to) buy a new jumper tomorrow. 24. she’s going (to having/to have/have) a shower. 25. am (i going to/he going to/they going to) be rich? 26. (i’ll to/i’ll/i going to) see you next week. 27. they (won’t/will to/won’t to) play football tomorrow. 28. it’s snowing! (shall we a taxi take/will we a taxi take/shall we take a taxi). units 20-23 29. you (mustn’t to/haven’t/mustn’t) lie to me. tell the truth. 30. you (mustn’t/doesn’t have to/don’t have to) pay to go into the museum. it’s free. 31. (must i/do i have/does i have) to eat all these vegetables? 32. jackie (can’t/can/t to/don’t) swim. 33. can you play the piano? yes, i (can/can’t/doesn’t) 34. where (the post office is/be the post office/is the post office) ? 35. we have white bread and brown bread. (which/when/what) do you prefer? 36. (which/when/what) do you want for your birthday?

rekiol544 rekiol544    1   25.07.2019 22:30    1

mspanda22 mspanda22  07.09.2020 20:24
I am going to
She’s going to have
Am i going to
I'll see you
they won't
shall we take a taxi
You mustn't
Do i have to
Jacking can't 
Yes i can
Where is
koli17 koli17  07.09.2020 20:24
23. I am going to buy a new jumper tomorrow.
24. She’s going to have a shower.
25. Am I going to be rich?
26. I’ll see you next week.
27. They won’t play football tomorrow.
28. It’s snowing! Shall we take a taxi?
Units 20-23
29. You mustn’t lie to me. Tell the truth.
30. You don’t have to pay to go into the museum. It’s free.
31. Do I have to eat all these vegetables?
32. Jackie can’t swim.
33. Can you play the piano? Yes, I can.
34. Where is the post office ?
35. We have white bread and brown bread. Which do you prefer?
36. What do you want for your birthday?
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