Заполните пропуски в тексте ниже фрагментами : public administration can be broadly described and study of government policy. today public administration is often regarded as including also some responsibility for of governments. specifically, it is the planning, organizing, of government operations. public administration is a feature of all nations, whatever their system of government. within nations at the central, intermediate, and local levels. though public administration it increasingly encompasses non-governmental organizations that are not acting out of self-interest. a. public administration is practiced b. has historically referred to government management c. as the development, implementation d. determining the policies and programs e. directing, coordinating, and controlling

nk291726 nk291726    3   26.08.2019 20:50    9

LizaZZ6 LizaZZ6  05.10.2020 21:35
1. c.
2. d.
3. e. 
4. a.
5. b. 
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