Заполните пропуски, употребляя little, a little, few, a few many, much. 1. there smoke (дым) in the room. 2. give sheets (листки) of paper. 3. i see in the sky. 4. there is in the balloon (шар). 5. there are houses in the town. 6. i trouble (затруднение) with my spelling. 7. there were students at the lecture. 8. you eat , don't you? 9. i money in the bank.

handaa0615 handaa0615    2   09.08.2019 11:10    2

w678Kordroy w678Kordroy  04.10.2020 07:10
1. There is little/a little/much smoke in the room.
2. Give me many/a few sheets of paper.
3. I see few/a few/many clouds in the sky.
4. There is little/a little/much gas in the balloon.
5. There are few/a few/many cinema houses in the town.
6. I have little/a little/much trouble with my spelling.
7. There were only a few students at the lecture.
8. You eat little/much bread, don't you?
9. I have little/a little/much money in the bank.
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