Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами. 1. it is clear me that you don't know your lesson. 2. london is the capital great britain. 3. nine o'clock the lecturer entered the hall, walked up the table, put his bag it, looked everybody and began his lecture. 4. my explanation seemed
strange the teacher. 5. he gave her a big bunch flowers. 6. we tried to speak him, but he did not want to listen us. 7. yesterday the teacher spoke us about the architecture st. petersburg. 8. my grandmother often complains head ache. 9. i am sorry, i cannot speak you now, the professor is
waiting me. 10. i must go the institute and explain him some details our work. 11. many pages this book are torn. 12. everybody looked me with surprise: they had not waited me.

VasyaRaglinskiy66 VasyaRaglinskiy66    3   07.10.2019 22:20    0

Kireezy Kireezy  11.09.2020 09:30

1. It is clear to me that you don't know your lesson.

2. London is the capital of Great Britain.

3. At nine o'clock the lecturer entered (—) the hall, walked up to the table, put his bag on it, looked at everybody and began his lecture.

4. My explanation seemed strange to the teacher.

5. He gave her a big bunch of flowers.

6. We tried to speak to him, but he did not want to listen to us.

7. Yesterday the teacher spoke to us about the architecture of St. Petersburg.

8. My grandmother often complains of headache.

9. I am sorry, I cannot speak to you now, the professor is waiting for me.

10. I must go to the institute and explain to him some details of our work.

11. Many pages of this book are torn.

12. Everybody looked at me with surprise: they had not waited for me.

Каокогклвтсд223 Каокогклвтсд223  11.09.2020 09:30

2)of знаю только это

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