Используйте глагол to lie или to lay в подходящей временной форме. do not trust her words. she is always … . we usually help our mum … the table for dinner. ted has got flu. he has been … in bed all day long. don’t … your passport on the window sill. you shouldn’t … in the sun so long. our turtle has … five eggs. how dare you stand and … in my face? ! the cats were … on the rug, in front of the fire. kate wrapped the baby up and gently … him in the pram. you’ll never … to me, won’t you?

vikakivi1206 vikakivi1206    3   06.09.2019 21:00    16

evtubori evtubori  06.10.2020 21:49
Do not trust her words. She is always lying.
We usually help our mum to lay the table for dinner.
Ted has got flu. He has been lying in bed all day long.
Don’t lay your passport on the window sill.
You shouldn’t lie in the sun so long.
Our turtle has laid five eggs.
How dare you stand and lie in my face?!
The cats were lying on the rug, in front of the fire.
Kate wrapped the baby up and gently ... him in the pram.
You’ll never lie to me, won’t you?
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