Заполните пробелы где необходимо, артиклями: 1. smiths sent us invitation to house-warming party they were giving on saturday. 2. expedition crossed attora mountains in morocco, and then floated down nile. 3. jake visited netherlands on his way to france. 4. crimea used to belong to ukraine, and now it belongs to russia. 5. being citizen of russian federation, you are protected by its legislation. 6. after crossing geneva lake we climbed mont blanc in alps. 7. vasco da gama was first to find way from atlantic to indian ocean. 8. international chamber of commerce moved from amsterdam to hague. 9. northern part of north america belongs to canada. 10. first they wanted to go to black sea, but then they changed their plan and went to riviera instead.

varvara273 varvara273    1   04.09.2019 10:30    5

ЧерриБерри ЧерриБерри  06.10.2020 16:41

1 the- an-the.

2 the, the, —, the.

3 —, the, —.

4 the, —, —.

5 a, the, —.

6 the, —, the.

7 —, the, the, the, the.

8 the, —, —, the.

9 the, —, —.

10 the, the.

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