Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответы five? - riad five book? - book on the desk? - book thick? - spel that name? - spel name? - sister drive a car? - brown in london? - brother drive a car? - browns in london? -

SofyaIlina SofyaIlina    3   11.03.2019 19:00    1

ketrin0309 ketrin0309  24.05.2020 22:14

1Is    Denis five?                      -No, he isn*t

2. Has   Denis read five books?       -No, he hasn*t

3. Is    the book on the desk?    -No, it isn*t

4. Is   the book thick? -No, it isn*t.

5. Can   Alla spell that name? -No,  she can*t.

6. Can   you spell name? -No, I can*t.

7. Does   his sister drive a car? -No, she doesn*t.

8. Is   Mr Brown in London? -No, he isn*t.

9 Can  her brother drive a car? -No, he can*t.

10. Are   the Browns in London? -No, they aren*t.

lilpupm lilpupm  24.05.2020 22:14

1.Is Denis No,he isn't.

2Does  Denis No, he doesn't.

3Is the book No,itsn,t

4is the book No,itsn,t

5.Can Alla No,she can't.

6 Can you spell No,she can't

7Does his sister No,she doesn,t

8Is Mr. Brown No,he isn't

9can her brother drive a car? No,he can't

10 Are the Browns in London? No,they aren't

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