Задание 9: Глагол и его формы. Выберите правильный ответ. 1. Unemployment among young people constantly.
1) has increased 2) increased 3) had increased 4) is increasing
2. My course on Monday at 9.30.
1) are starting 2) have started 3) starts 4) shall start
3. The film we last week is a huge hit in the USA.
1) see 2) saw 3) will see 4) has seen
Задание 10: Неличные формы глагола. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. I forgot any bread when I was at the supermarket.
1) to buy 2) buying 3) buy 4) bought
2. the difference between two approaches, the scientists offered a new experiment.
1) To understand 2) Being understood 3) To be understood 4) Understood
3. Mr. Roberts was seen his house at 12.15 last night.
1) leaving 2) to have left 3) left 4) be leaving
Задание 11: Фразовые глаголы. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. We began work at 3 p.m. and till 9 p.m.
1) go on 2) go from 3) go after 4) go by
2. Dear Tom, Marry and me would like to you your birthday.
1) congratulate … to 2) congratulate … on
next to, over, for, from, in, with, of, at, about, to, out of, on, under, by
so as, despite, so, whether, though, because, or, what, where, when, but, although, if, as if, because of, that, not so … as, that’s why, since, while, until, as soon as, unless
3) congratulate … from 4) congratulate ... with
3. Nowadays a lot of children in one-parent families.
1) are brought out 2) are brought in 3) are brought up 4) are brought on
Задание 12: Модальные глаголы. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты представлены в таблице:could, have to, need, were able to, ought, must, had to, should, may, has to, be allowed to, was able to, might, cannot, can, had, couldn’t, shall, ought to, be able to, can’t
1. You not ring the bell, I’ve got the key.
2. John take a taxi because he was late.
3. You give me the name of someone we can contact for reference.
Задание 13: Бытовая сфера. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
1. Ann: “I go shopping. Do you want to come with me?
Helen: “”
1) Do you have enough money? 2) I can’t do it. 3) Why? What for?
4) I’m afraid, I can’t. My parents are waiting for me.
2. Friend: “”
You: “Sure, here it is.”
1) Can I use your pen, please? 2) I wonder, if I can have your pen, please?
3) I want your pen. 4) Is there anybody to lend me a pen?
3. Grandmother: “Happy birthday, my dear!”
Grandchild: “”
1) Thank you ever so much indeed, grandmother of mine! 2) Thank you, my ancestor.
3) Where shall I put your box? 4) Thank you for your present, grannie!
Задание 14: Профессионально-деловая сфера. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
1. Consultant: “Who do you work for?”
A person: “”
1) I am with ABC Software Company. 2) My work is for me.
3) My Boss is a high class expert. 4) I don’t want to work anywhere.
2. Woman: “Mr Granger, I’d like you to meet Nick Thomas, from our Boston office.”
Mr Granger: “”
1) Hi, Nick! 2) Hello, everybody! 3) Yes? 4) How do you do, Nick!
3. Guest: “I want to speak to the manager!”
Receptionist: “”
1) She is busy now. 2) She is not available at the moment. Can I help you?
3) You can’t do so! 4) You have to wait for some time. Be patient, please!
Задание 15: Учебно-социальная сфера. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.
1. Your teacher: “You don’t seem to be making any progress.”
You: “”
1) Glad to hear it from you. 2) Really?
3) It’s your fault! 4) Oh! I will work harder.
2. Teacher: “Well, good bye and the best of luck for the future.”
Student: “”
1) Good bye for ever. 2) Thank you for teaching me, I really enjoyed your lessons.
3) Good luck. 4) Let’s hope for the best.
3. Student 1: “I’ll help you with your homework.”
Student 2: “”
1) Oh, will you? Thanks very much. 2) You should do it.
3) Oh, should you? Thanks very much. 4) Oh, shall I? Thanks very much?

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задание 10 :
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