WIUNT 2.3 Write down the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mary
2. Though it
3. When he arrived, we
4. The teacher
5. Although my friend
6. They
had collapsed.
7. The teacher
8. The parents
9. The dog
10. While
(eat) when the bell rang.
(rain) we went to the cinema last night.
(not/study) any longer.
(write) in the book he was reading.
(become) poor, he was still happy,
(build) a new bridge to replace the one that
(punish) us because we cried a lot.
(teach) their children proper eating habits.
(not/bark) when I went out last night.
(sleep). John stole my pen.Өтініш берем

tibeck120 tibeck120    2   24.12.2020 20:00    1

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