Open the brackets using Future Simple or Present Simple. 1. She ……… (phone) us if she ……… (have) any problems.
2. If you ……… (go) to the party, I ……… (come) with you.
3. She ……… (not/be) very happy if she ……… (not/get) that new job.
4. If you ……… (come) with us, you ……… (have) a great time.
5. I ……… (not/wait) for you if you ……… (be) late.
6. That glass ……… (break) if you ……… (drop) it.
7. We ……… (help) you if we ……… (have) the time.
8. I ……… (tell) Clare the news if I ……… (see) her.
9. We ……… (sleep) in the tent if it ……… (not/rain).
10. When I (see) Tom tonight, I (invite) him to our party.
11. I …… (call) you as soon as I …… (arrive) in Tokyo.
12. Everyone …… (be) very surprised if he ……… (pass) the exam.
13. When you …… (see) Brian again, you …… (not/recognize) him.
14. We ……… (not/start) dinner until Karen ………… (arrive).
15. I……(be) lonely without you while you ……… (be) away.
16. If I ……… (need) any help, I ……… (ask) you.
17. Come on! Hurry up! Ann …… (be) annoyed if we (be) late.

Irakyn Irakyn    3   14.03.2021 13:35    0

artem759342 artem759342  13.04.2021 13:37

1. She will phone us if she has any problems.

2. If you go to the party, I will come with you.

3. She won't be very happy if she doesn't get that new job.

4. If you come with us, you will have a great time.

5. I won't wait for you if you are late.

6. That glass will break if you drop it.

7. We will help you if we have the time.

8. I will tell Clare the news if I see her.

9. We will sleep in the tent if it doesn't rain.

10. When I see Tom tonight, I will invite him to our party.

11. I will call you as soon as I arrive in Tokyo.

12. Everyone will be very surprised if he passed the exam.

13. When you see Brian again, you won't recognize him.

14. We won't start dinner until Karen arrives.

15. I will be lonely without you while you are away.

16. If I need any help, I will ask you.

17. Come on! Hurry up! Ann will be annoyed if we are late.