What vau / we/they going to do?
3 Ho
2 Complete the questions and answers,
Are you going to watch a horror him?
he going to make a him?
No, he
3. What they going to do?
They going to make a film,
4 Are going to be famous actors?
No, we
5 Samal going to take David and Sara
Yes, he
6 Are you going to do your homework now?
No, I
7 When are we going to see them?
We going to see them next week.
8 Who going to be the main actor?
Ainur Niyazova​

dionis01 dionis01    2   20.01.2021 11:51    0

zziimmbboo zziimmbboo  19.02.2021 11:54


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What vau / we/they going to do?3 Ho2 Complete the questions and answers,Are you going to watch a hor
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