I take the choice of a future profession very seriously, because only a job I love can make a person truly happy. I really want to be useful and bring joy. All my friends and I get very excited when we play with animals. Therefore, I decided to choose the profession of a veterinarian.
Recently, a sick swift flew into our yard. It had a broken wing. I equipped a box for him. He fed and watered him, and in a week he was able to fly. I hope he has already managed to create a family for himself and will tell the birds about me.
Love for animals is not enough to become a veterinarian. It is very important to be able to distinguish between different living things and to know their structure. Therefore, in my free time I always read books about animals and watch interesting TV shows about them.
I know that sometimes I will have to do the little human friends with surgery and cut them up, but if it works for them, I can handle it. Moreover, I'm not afraid of blood.
I am glad that my parents support me in my desire. Even recently bought a kitten. I named him Fluff and take care of him, which inspires the confidence of adults.
After school, I will study at the university to become a real doctor. I have already started saving money for my own clinic. I imagine her big and bright. There will be several rooms: a reception room, an operating room, a playroom and a bedroom. So far, there are not many funds, but the main thing is not to lose the dream.
I take the choice of a future profession very seriously, because only a job I love can make a person truly happy. I really want to be useful and bring joy. All my friends and I get very excited when we play with animals. Therefore, I decided to choose the profession of a veterinarian.
Recently, a sick swift flew into our yard. It had a broken wing. I equipped a box for him. He fed and watered him, and in a week he was able to fly. I hope he has already managed to create a family for himself and will tell the birds about me.
Love for animals is not enough to become a veterinarian. It is very important to be able to distinguish between different living things and to know their structure. Therefore, in my free time I always read books about animals and watch interesting TV shows about them.
I know that sometimes I will have to do the little human friends with surgery and cut them up, but if it works for them, I can handle it. Moreover, I'm not afraid of blood.
I am glad that my parents support me in my desire. Even recently bought a kitten. I named him Fluff and take care of him, which inspires the confidence of adults.
After school, I will study at the university to become a real doctor. I have already started saving money for my own clinic. I imagine her big and bright. There will be several rooms: a reception room, an operating room, a playroom and a bedroom. So far, there are not many funds, but the main thing is not to lose the dream.