Выберите правильный вариант 1. my саt has got a box. my cat doesnt like . a) his b) her c) its 2. where are the ? a) women b) woman c) child 3. can it ? a) run b) runs c) to run 4. how many have they got? a) puppies b) puppy c) mouse 5) he go to school. a) isnt b) doesnt c) dont 6. these are the teachers a) son b) daughter c) children 7. you cannot wash . a) this b) these c) that 8. my in the box. a) mouse b) toy c) mice 9. my toys. a) the b) these c) this 10.the mother works here. a) children b) childrens" c) children"s

Алла1666666 Алла1666666    2   29.06.2019 05:40    1

tortik47228 tortik47228  23.07.2020 09:04
1 his 2 women 3 run 4  puppies 5 doesnt 6 children 7 these 8 mice 9 these 10 children"s
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