Выберите правильную форму глагола
1) He ... his parents yet.
a)have not met b)had not met c)has not met
2) I ... the text before the bell.
a) have translated b) had translated c)translated
3)He ... a letter by the time she comes.
a)has written b)will write c) will have written
4)Mother... dinner by seven o'clock.
a)has cooked b)had cooked c)cooked
5)Alan ... his breakfast yet.
a)didn't have b)had not have c) has not have
6)She ... a dress before party.
a)has not made b)had not made c)didn't make
7)... you ... your homework by seven o'clock?
a)will ... have done b)will... do c) have...done
8)Her son ... the home task by nine o'clock.
a)didn't do b)has not done c)had not done
9)Peter... up yet.
a)have not got b)has not got c)had not got
10)Who ... the exercise before the bell?
a)has not written b)had not written c)have not written

rekardo rekardo    1   16.12.2020 10:46    2

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