Выберите формы глаголовto be, to have или оборот there is/are. переведите предложения на язык. are were is had have was there are there is there will be 1. he a good basketball player two years ago.2. i two tickets for a football match yesterday.3. a big stadium in the centre of the town next year.4. she ten years old two years ago.5. something in the corner of the room.есть были имеется имеют был там есть там есть там будет

ikotelevskaya78 ikotelevskaya78    2   11.06.2019 15:10    1

petrovadasha200Fhcd petrovadasha200Fhcd  09.07.2020 14:33
1. He was a good basketball player two years ago.2. I had two tickets for a football match yesterday.3. There will be a big stadium in the centre of the town next year.4. She was ten years old two years ago.5. There is something in the corner of the room.
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