Вставить слова: CHECK ,GET, HOLD ,PUT ,SET ,TAKE
When i arrived at the hotel,I got my passport out ready to(1) in at Reception,but I found that it did not exist-they were still building!
Last month,I(2) off booking my holiday for a few weeks becouse I was unsure of my plans.When I finally booked,they had(3) all the prices up!
I was travelling to Edinburgh by train arrived at the platform and I(4) on.Infortunately,I fell asleep, and when I finally(5) off, nine hourse later, I was in Aberdeen-200 km further north!
I was staying in a hotel last month. On the day I was leaving, I forgot to set my alarm and I(6) out 15 minutes after the normal departure time. They charged me for an extra day!
I was flying to New York last summer. The weather had been really nice for weeks, but on the day of my flight there was suddenly a big storm. My flight finally(7) off 16 hours late!
A few weeks ago,I was driving to Manchester to meet some old friends for lunch. I(8) off early, but I was(9) up in traffic for five hours, so I missed the lunch! Luckily, I still saw my friend!

zhannar333ta zhannar333ta    1   22.05.2020 09:27    55

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