вот это и в фото
To write an article about your favourite sport on TV using active vocabulary and grammar. To learn how to use conjunctions (союзы) and, but, or

1. Firstly you should watch the video.
В этом видео вы познакомитесь с соединительными союзами.
1. Read the text, translate and circle coordinating conjunctions
There are so many kinds of sport: football, basketball, and hockey, ice–skating, running and even chess and other intellectual kinds of sport.
You only need to find yours. Sport is important to me as well as education. In summer I like playing football or cycling with my friends. In winter I prefer playing snowballs or snowboarding. This is great fun. In spring and autumn I love running in the park enjoying the nature around. Every kind of sport is useful? But my favourite sport is horse-riding. I can recommend trying this sport for it is not just sport, it is a kind of friendship.

ubanchikr864roker ubanchikr864roker    3   16.04.2020 13:48    0

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